Ya so I'm sitting at home looking over the family blogs and I don't know what i was thinking, but I just decided right here right now to start a blog. My life isn't to interesting, but i figure that i can keep up with my family if I have a blog.
So the big events of my life right now are:

- Started and finished the first half of my clinicals.
- Made IV's under the hood.
- Had my first migraine (Oh so fun).
- Wore a pair of shoes I've had owned for 2 year for the first time.
- Found a gray hair (YIKES! How did that happen).
- Bought a new pair of boots (I will have to show you when they get here).
This is my whole family. (I looked out the window and what did I see?). Can you see who I'm talking about? HaHa!
This is me with all my sisters. It's kind of old, but it's the only picture of all of us.
Jenna and I have this problem that we buy the same clothes, so this is one of our many "matching" pictures.
These were the flowers I wore to Prom. They were half dead when we got them so they so they don't look that good, but now that they are dry they looked great!
This is me with my best friend Liz right before our dates arrived.
Isaac and I take really good pictures together. In this picture he is telling me to go away the whole time. I know he looks so sweet and innocent, but you can't hear him. HaHa!
Either Isaac is really convincing or I'm really stupid, because I got stuck carrying him through most of the second half of the maze.
Love these pics! Yeah, Isaac can be pretty convincing, but I think your real motivation was Dad not feel well. Did we want to be stuck in the maze with Dad passed out???
Kait!! You started a blog!!!! I LOVE IT!! I also love our matchingness!! We're just awesome!! I love all your pics!! Can't wait to see you soon!
P.S. I love the picture of all of us girls!! Very nice!
Dang it! I wanted to be the one to comment on your blog first! Well I will just have to settle for third (or fourth if you count Jenna twice). I love the pics and I like your cute background. Can't wait to see you soon. (My favorite pictures are of you and Isaac. I can tell he loves you a lot even though he tells you to go away).
I think Isaac should be a politician... Anyway, good job on the blog.
P.S.S. I think New Moon is my favorite movie too!! Oh and you can just count me as once!!! HAHA!!
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